
Megan Kasmar is just like any other 15-year-old in many ways. She loves “Twilight” movies, listening to Taylor Swift, and was even voted onto the homecoming court this school year.

The Akron, Ohio teen, who is also a two-time cancer survivor, is once again fighting for her life – she needs a lung transplant, MyFoxCleveland reported.

At just 11 months old, she was diagnosed with Avelor Rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare cancer found in the soft tissue of children. Doctors told her family she had a 35 percent chance of survival, and she came out on top.

But one year later, cancer returned and invaded five of her organs.

After two years of intense chemotherapy, radiation and several surgeries, she had beaten cancer once again.

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In 2009, doctors found that the damage to Megan’s lungs from radiation was so severe, she had developed pulmonary fibrosis, a serious and potentially fatal disease that causes progressive scarring of the lung tissue.

The diagnosis meant Megan would need a lung transplant. Still, she continued attending high school and doing things she would normally do.

However, in mid-January, she caught a cold and ended up in the pediatric intensive care unit at Akron Children's Hospital on a ventilator.

Once again, doctors said her chances of survival were slim, and once again, Megan proved them wrong.

Today, she is off her ventilator, and on a waiting list for a lung transplant. She will travel to Pittsburg, Pa., when one becomes available.

Through it all, Megan has remained optimistic.

"It is hard, but I'm getting through it. I have a lot of support from my friends and people around me," Megan said. "I tell 'em not to take life for granted. Live every moment to the fullest. Help other people and love. I love love!"

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