
The Park Avenue doctor who performed a risky liposuction that killed a gorgeous Manhattan woman has been indicted on manslaughter charges and turned himself in this morning, authorities said.

Dr. Oleg Davie, 51, ignored the medical form where Isel Pineda, 51, marked that she received a heart transplant in 2004 and falsified the document after she died to cover up his negligence, according to the Brooklyn District Attorney.

“Any medical professional would clearly know if a patient has previously had heart transplant surgery because of the obvious scar on the chest,” said Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes. “It is shameful that a medical professional would disregard his patient’s safety, putting her in serious danger.”

Pineda’s grieving family members slammed the doctor as they remembered her.

“It’s deplorable,” said ex-husband Jeffrey Mayer, who added, “She was stunning. She would walk into a room and the music would stop.”

After the five-foot-nine and 130-lb Pineda – whose heart transplant was performed by Dr. Oz – went into cardiac arrest and collapsed in Davie’s office, he took her medical history form and removed the line where she had alerted him of her 2004 heart transplant.

Davie’s forgery was discovered when the friend who was to pick up Pineda after the surgery last year found the original forms in her purse.

“The documents were the smoking gun,” said Hynes, adding that Davie’s forgery proved he knew he shouldn’t have performed the surgery.

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