
If eating ‘comfort foods’ has caused you to pack on some extra weight – don’t fear. You can always spring clean your diet.

“Your body detoxifies naturally, anyway,” said Gillian McKeith, a nutritionist and author of You Are What You Eat.

“However, depending on your toxic load, you can always give yourself a helping hand. And you can do that using fruits, vegetables, whole foods..."

McKeith said eating a grapefruit is a good way to kickstart a natural detox because it contains metabolizing enzymes.

Apples also make the list since they are filled with soluble fiber, she said.

"Fiber is absolutely essential to help aid detoxification,” she said. “And apples contain a soluble fiber called kersatin, so I'm all for an apple a day."

Adding ginger to juices, soups and stews will help with digestion.  The spicy root is filled with antioxidants, which help clear toxins out of your body.  Certain greens, like kale, will do that, too.

"[Ginger] also contains isothyonites, which helps the detoxification process too and is a good source of the mineral magnesium, which all the ladies should be thinking about, especially for their bone health," McKeith said.

Brussels sprouts and mung beans have a similar effect, as they are packed with fiber, vitamin C and many other nutrients.
Spring cleaning your diet won’t only help your digestion, but your overall well-being as well.

“You will find your mental clarity (is) quicker, better; you’ll feel more alive,” McKeith said. “You will have more zest.”

And, listen up, ladies: McKeith said eating these foods regularly will also improve your hair and nails.