Misplaced Craigslist ad helps New Jersey woman find a kidney donor

Nina Saria, above, will receive a kidney after finding a donor through a misplaced Craigslist ad. (GoFundMe)

A misplaced Craigslist ad has forever linked two strangers: a woman who now has a new kidney, and the man who donated it to her after losing his own wife to kidney failure.

Fox 29 reported that last summer, Glenn Calderbank, a contractor from South Jersey, spotted Atlantic County resident Kay Saria’s ad seeking an organ donor for his wife, Nina. Kay had accidentally misplaced the ad under construction materials.

“I know Kay feels helpless—like there’s nothing he can do,” Calderbank told the news station. “I was him, and we didn't get help, so I was going to be the hero.”

Calderbank credited his late wife to him stumbling upon the misplaced ad.

“I feel like [Jessica’s] been my angel showing me the way, and I know for sure she sent me that ad,” he said.

Calderbank contacted the Sarias, and the couple couldn’t believe he was a match and was willing to sign up for the surgery, which takes place next week.

“I was really surprised that a person, a stranger, would do this for me because there was nobody in my life who would do this for me, to save me,” Nina Saria told Fox29.com.

“There are no words, actions, to express the thoughts and feelings towards this man, but I’m happy,” Kay Saria said.

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As Calderbank will be out of work during recovery, the Sarias have set up a GoFundMe account to help cover his expenses. But, Nina said, “There’s no way I could repay Glenn—no way I can thank him for what he’s doing.”

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