I'll Have Some Eggs With My Squats

CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA - JANUARY 04: Stirling Mortlock of the Wallabies performs squats during a strength and conditioning session during a Wallabies World Cup training camp at the Australian Institute of Sport January 4, 2007 in Canberra, Australia. (Photo by Cameron Spencer/Getty Images) (2007 Getty Images)

Vacationing in the Dominican Republic with my familia recently, I realized a fitness solution as my tia was cooking avena de canela con huevos y fruta (oatmeal with a touch of cinnamon, eggs and fruit.)

Why not exercise while cooking your breakfast? All you need is 15 to 20 minutes, and doing this everyday will help you look good.

So here’s a quick way to get in shape – without having to trek to the gym, or leaving your kitchen.

Do three Sets of 18-25 squats
Feet shoulder width apart, lower that butt to the ground (inhale)and s-q-u-e-e-z-e it on
the way up (exhale)! Make sure your knees stay in line with your toes.

Note: For the brave: Hold a gallon of milk or water to add resistance, and add the number of repetitions.

This exercise protects your lower back pain (80 percent of people suffer from lower back problems). Between each set, check on the oatmeal and add a touch of cinnamon, then get right back to fun.

Do three sets of 30 calf raises

If you want to look great in heels or even flats, or are a professional baseball player who needs to sprint quickly off base (I train several), rest your forearms on the counter and, leaning
forward, raise yourself up and down on the toes of your feet and repeat. While resting, check on the eggs and pour yourself a nice cup of water to accompany the meal.

Three sets of 25 lunges

The biggest muscles in our body are on the lower region and are often neglected. Keeping your abs tight and your chest up, alternate legs as you lunge in place, focusing on lowering your back knee as close to the ground as you can. Then slowly come up and alternating sides.

Keep the front leg knee behind your toes -- think of your back leg and buttocks as an elevator riding straight up and down. Keep them vertical!

While allowing your legs to loosen up between sets, begin to cook the eggs and poor the oatmeal into a bowl.

As I tell my clients, you've just earn a wonderful meal.

Another year of health, Cuerpaso style.

Now I'm off for a morning run around my neighborhood (I actually take my own advice ha!ha!),
and subsequently off to the beach.

Feliz año nuevo and remember: Let's be healthy for ourselves, and la familia.

Tadeo, who is half Dominican, is a celebrity fitness trainer and founder of Cuerpaso, a fast-paced, 50-minute boot camp that fuses Latin dance with soccer movements. Cuerpaso was named one of the top Celebrity Workouts of 2010 by the TV Guide Channel. For more on Tadeo, visit his website www.cuerpaso.com

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