
Take positive action.Change does not come without action.

Step Seven should leave you with desires and plans: I want a new job.I want a better relationship.I want genuine love in my life. I want to start a foundation to improve the environment.I want to become physically fit.I want to stop abusing alcohol.

Do not let the magnitude of your challenge keep you from moving forward to meet the challenge. Start slowly. Trying to do everything at once and failing fast is a classic way to wronglyconvince yourself it was foolish to try. Take small steps forward.But be sure to take them.

Imagine you were asked to write a 300-page book on a subject you know little about. It sounds like an impossible task. But what about writing the first sentence? You could do that. A paragraph, without worrying whether it's perfect.Paragraphs turn into pages.A chapter takes form.The 300-page book that once seemed impossible to write starts to take shape.

Dreams become reality by increments. Beginning is the key. Here is a list of reasonable, do-able actions you might take in initial pursuit of a larger goal.


If you're making a career change, plan to meet with one person who works in that field.


If you want to lose weight, decide you're going to walk up the three flights to your office instead of taking the elevator. If you work on the 30thfloor, take the elevator to 27.Or, schedule one appointment with a trainer at the gym.


If you want to revitalize your marriage, tell yourself you won't leave the house tomorrow morning without paying one sincere compliment to your spouse.


If you're going to invest in your vision of yourself as an artist, buy a set of paints and a canvas.


If you're intent on ending your addiction to tobacco, immediately throw away three cigarettes from the package you bought today.


If you want to go back to school, buy the book you need to study for the entrance exam, or call up a nearby college to make an appointment with an admissions counselor.

These may seem like small actions.That's good. Long-term goals are just a series of successful moments, of showing up and doing the right thing for yourself, again and again.

As you let yourself look at your life history, the past will yield its insights, and these will give way to true revelations.You will be unearthing your buried treasure.Myths that no longer serve you will be exploded, and dreams that can empower you will be revealed.

The future you want for yourself won't happen overnight, but you will see progress, and people who have the information and experience to assist you in realizing your dreams will respond to your passion and authenticity.They will want to be a part of your success-your truth.Where you used to find walls, you will see open doors. Relationships that were once a source of conflict will be replaced by others that yield encouragement and support.

The truth has its own momentum.As you finally do what your heart and mind know to be the right things for you, forces will align to make your dreams reality. Your job now is to let those forces draw you forward, step by step.

Dr. Keith Ablow is a psychiatry correspondent for FOX News Channel and a New York Times bestselling author. His newest book, "Living the Truth: Transform Your Life through the Power of Insight and Honesty" has launched a new self-help movement. Check out Dr. Ablow's website at livingthetruth.com.