
If you just Googled "jealous husband," "Japan," "penis," and "toilet" to see if there could possibly be any stories that merge all of those keywords into one mind-blowing story, today's your lucky day.

One person who's not having a lucky day: The 42-year-old Tokyo lawyer who's the unfortunate subject of that aforementioned story and who had his penis lopped off and flushed down the toilet, reports AFP.

The alleged culprit: a 24-year-old graduate student who believed his wife was having an affair with the victim. Police say Ikki Kotsugai—an ex-boxer in college, reports the Tokyo Reporter—busted his way into the lawyer's office yesterday morning, punched the counselor a bunch of times, then removed the man's pants and severed his "lower body part" with a pair of garden shears, reports AFP.

Kotsugai's wife reportedly works in the office and witnessed the entire scene, per News.com.au. Kotsugai told cops he flushed the penis down a toilet at the office, and a Tokyo police spokesman confirmed to the paper that the penis was indeed the member in question.

The victim is recovering from non-life-threatening injuries, while Kotsugai has been charged with inflicting bodily harm. (Things like this have happened before.)

This article originally appeared on Newser: Cops: Man's Penis Severed, Flushed by Jealous Husband

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