App scans products for food allergens

For individuals with food allergies or dietary restrictions, grocery shopping can be especially tedious as each item’s ingredient list and nutrition label must be carefully studied. Now, an app called “ipiit” is offering a solution to save time and help make healthier choices.

The app allows users to scan the barcodes of foods they’re interested in and uses visual symbols to indicate whether or not a product is good for the individual’s health needs.

Users first create a profile, listing the foods they are allergic to or would like to avoid because of dietary needs, such as wheat or artificial sweeteners. Then, when shopping, they scan the barcode of items by using their smartphone camera. The app will scan through the food’s ingredients and let users know if it’s safe to eat based on the preferences they provided.

Ipiit will recommend similar products that users may try if a scanned product contains ingredients they’re avoiding.

If an item isn’t in the database, users have the option to email photos to the app developers.

For more information, visit

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