
A 23-year-old morbidly obese California man got the exposure he wanted when a video he posted on YouTube asking for weight-loss help went viral.

Gibbs, who weighs between “600 and 700 pounds,” posted the video on March 1 – one day shy of his 23rd birthday – and has already received calls from Dr. Phil and a former contestant of “The Biggest Loser.”

Click here to watch the video.

In the video, Gibbs said he’s “been on diets and hospitalized . . .and I just gain the weight back.”

“I don’t know what else to do,” Gibbs added.

Gibbs said he has new inspiration to lose weight – a nephew born on February 15, and his nearly 5-year-old niece.

In the video, he said he’d like to have his own family someday.

Stacey Lynch, a spokeswoman for “Dr. Phil,” said they were contacted by a local TV affiliate and have reached out to Gibbs.

“I’m getting the exposure I needed,” Gibbs said. “I better start getting ready for the tornado that’s about to become my life. I guess it is a good birthday for me.”

Click here to read more on this story from the Daily Mail.