
It’s not often you pour a glass of wine without listening to music in the background. Think about it -- at home, at a wine bar, even at a restaurant --music is generally playing.

So it makes sense that the music world would find a way to marry itself with wine world. And while many of us would have presumed the jazz world or easy-listening land would have been the first to the altar, we’d be wrong. Rock 'n' roll proposed first.

It was mainly because a rock-lover Ron Roy’s doctor told him to put down the scotch and consider wine for his heart. As the founder of the online fan club UltraStar, Roy’s clients include The Rolling Stones, Sting/The Police, The Who, AC/DC, Madonna, Mariah Carey, Red Hot Chili Peppers. So he knew that for him to follow his doctor’s advice and dive into the presumably snotty wine world, those bands would have to be included, and at that time, they were not.

So he went out and found a vineyard in California’s Mendocino County’s, signed up a great wine maker in Mark Beaman and Wines That Rock was born. Now, wines like the 2009 Grateful Dead, a red wine blend, the 2009 Rolling Stones, Forty Licks Merlot, and the 2009 Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon, Cabernet Sauvignon are now available for about $17.

The added bonus: they are made by all sustainable practices. The Wines That Rock vineyard has won environmental leadership awards, including the 2009 Governors Economic and Environmental Leadership Award for the second time in three years. They practice sustainable farming, use 100 percent green power (solar and wind), eco-friendly packaging and are carbon neutral.

So what could be better than a wine that embraces rock 'n' roll and Mother Earth?

Try one and let me know. Cent ‘Anni.