
How quickly can you eat a cheeseburger?

How about two? Or three? What about nine?

Yes, nine burgers on one bun. That’s the challenge being presented by Wayback Burgers. The Connecticut-based chain has announced a one-day event simply deemed the “Triple Triple Challenge.”

That’s not a typo. But if you can chomp this monster down faster than other competitors, $3,300 awaits. However, it won’t be easy…or heartburn-free. That’s because the “sandwich” comes with nine patties and nine slabs of cheese (hence the “Triple Triple” moniker). Add in some tomato and lettuce for good measure. And, you know, to keep it healthy.

You can register for the contest on the restaurant’s website or, if you’re randomly in the mood for nine patties on one bun, can simply walk-in and participate in the Sept. 18 challenge. It won’t simply be all fun and games and cheese, however. The site has four pages of contest rules and a two page waiver that need to be completed and signed before anyone can take on the meaty challenge.

Of course, food contests are nothing new. They’ve just become more extreme-- some are even healthy. In July, the Taste of Buffalo rolled out its first kale eating contest. The upstate New York food festival deemed the contest as “the world’s healthiest eating championship.” Under the rules of the event, kale eaters had to munch as much of the leafy green vegetable as possible in eight minutes at Buffalo’s City Hall.

That contest was held just days after the 44th annual hotdog-eating contest in Brooklyn’s Coney Island. Joey “Jaws” Chestnut consumed 70 hot dogs and buns in just 10 minutes-- setting a new event record.

But back to Kale. "For the first time in human history, the world's greatest eaters will test themselves against the ALMIGHTY KALE—the leafy green vegetable that has captured the hearts and minds of both the culinary set and those for whom their body is a temple," the contest’s description read.

Several of the registered contestants  in the Kale contest had already competed in famous eating challenges including World Buffet Eating Champion "Crazy Legs" Conti and World Watermelon Eating Champion "Buffalo" Jim Reeves.

The amount of calories consumed and the prize for winning the Kale-eating contest, however, was significantly less ($2,000) than what is being offered to become the “Triple Triple Chompion.”