
Reaction to the death Tuesday of famed Chicago chef Charlie Trotter.


"A lot of the very things that made Charlie a great chef and allowed him to operate at the level of excellence he did for so many years, also made him a lot of enemies. That served him well on the way up, but it didn't after."

— Chef Anthony Bourdain, on Trotter's famous temper and willfulness


"When he closed Trotter's, I knew that we would hear something more from him and I had hoped that we would have the chance to see the next chapter in his life. It's a really super sad moment to recognize the fact that that's not going to happen." — Chicago chef Rick Bayless


"His dedication to excellence, the city of Chicago and the culinary world at large inspired countless cooks to find their own voice and follow their dreams. He now belongs to the ages." — Trotter protege chef Graham Elliott.


"Charlie Trotter will be remembered for serving the finest food and his generous philanthropy, and he will always have a seat at the table among Chicago's legendary figures." — Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel


"Clearly he was very well read, a philosopher chef. He was somebody who valued learning. ... He was probably somebody who was never quite satisfied and that may be why he was considered one of the perfectionist tyrants of the kitchen." — Susan Ungaro, president of the James Beard Foundation


"He was my hero." — retired Chicago-area chef John Kaufmann, who attended a candlelight vigil for Trotter


"His restaurant shaped the world of food. He was so innovative and focused and intense and really brilliant." — Dana Cowin, editor-in-chief of Food & Wine magazine