Pregnant woman unknowingly buys ‘mummified’ candy

This is no Halloween prank.

A pregnant California woman looking for a sweet treat to satisfy a craving found a "mummified" candy bar instead.

Fox 40 in Sacramento reports that Alisa Turner, three months pregnant, went into EZ Stop to buy a Snickers Triple X Chocolate.  She immediately knew something was wrong when she picked up the candy and noticed it was extra hard.

“If you drop it probably won’t even break,” she said.

Fox 40 even tried to break the treat on the ground, and it didn’t even crumble.

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The candy bar didn't have a sale date, so it was hard to tell how old it was.  However, the candy line first hit store shelves in 2011.

“Who knows what else is expired,” Turner said.

The best advice, says Fox 40, is to always look for the date on food items.

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