A parolee was arrested for robbing a Subway at knifepoint after the ankle monitor he was wearing showed he was at the restaurant at the time of the armed heist, authorities said.

Adam Hettig, 32, was arrested Saturday at his home in Chili, New York, after he allegedly admitted to robbing the fast food restaurant on Buffalo Road in North Chili, The Democrat and Chronicle reported.

When deputies responded to the robbery on Saturday, the clerk said the suspect was a tall white male with blue eyes. No one else was in the store at the time, the clerk reported.

Deputies were then notified by the Monroe Crime Analysis Center that Hettig’s ankle monitor indicated that he had been at the Subway — leading cops to arrest him for the robbery.

Subway sandwich istock

iStock (Hettig allegedly held a butcher's knife to the Subway restaurant clerk's throat in what the Sheriff's office have called a "very violent robbery.")

Hettig, who remains in custody at the Monroe County jail, was paroled in March after serving time following a burglary conviction.

The clerk, who asked to remain anonymous, told WHAM that Hettig used the store’s bathroom before putting a butcher’s knife to her throat and demanding money.

“When I came out he was pushing up against the door, he pushed it open, and then he went around my back around the table, and he had put a knife to my throat,” she told the station. “He got impatient, I don’t know what he thought I was doing, but he got impatient and that’s when he choked me … He had the knife in the right hand and choked me with his left (hand).”

The employee’s description of Hettig, combined with the data combed from his ankle monitor, led deputies to his home.

“It was a very violent robbery,” Monroe County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Scott Walsh told the station. “He put the knife right to her throat, so it was good for us to get him taken care of and remove him from doing this to any other store clerks.”

This article originally appeared on the New York Post.