Kid throws tantrum in restaurant, dad teaches her a valuable lesson

(Clint Edwards/Facebook)

Kids throw tantrums all the time, but the way one dad handled his daughter’s latest outburst is going viral after he shared his story on social media.

Clint Edwards, who lives in Oregon, and his wife Mel were eating at a Red Robin with their three children when his daughter, aged 2, started acting up. According to Evans’ Facebook post, the toddler wanted to throw her chicken strips across the restaurant-- but that behavior just wasn’t going to fly.


“So she screamed, and screamed, and kicked and kicked, and since I was the only one finished with my meal, I had the pleasure of dragging her out of Red Robin,” wrote Edwards, who currently documents his parenting experiences on his blog, No Idea What I’m Doing.

“She's two and it's going to take years to teach her how to act appropriately in public, and the only way I am ever going to teach that is to take her out and show her what's right and wrong,” wrote Edwards, 34, alongside a photo of his red-faced daughter.

While bringing his child outside, Edwards passed by several patrons at the restaurant’s bar — and he noticed that some seemed irritated with his child’s behavior.

His response? He’s simply being a good parent.

“No one with children would give me that straight faced, lip-twisted look that seems to say, ‘If you can't control your kid, then don't go out,’” he wrote.

“But before you get angry and judgmental, realize that what you are witnessing is not bad parenting, but rather, parents working hard to fix the situation. You are looking at what it takes to turn a child into a person,” said Edwards.

Since his post went up March 5, Edwards’ words have really resonated with fellow parents. In just a week, his post has already racked up more than 383,000 likes and 162,000 shares online.

“At first I was pretty surprised the post hit home like it did, but clearly it resonated with a lot of people,” Edwards tells Fox News.

“I think all parents have had their children throw a public meltdown. It's just part of parenting. It's universal.”

But even though Edwards says tantrums like these are "just a part of parenting," he must feel that his personal anecdotes can be beneficial for his fellow dads and moms. He's compiled a lot of the lessons he's learned into an ebook called "This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things," in which he shares his knowledge of parenting and marriage.


Edwards, too, tells Fox News that the feedback he’s received from his Facebook post has been largely positive.

“Most parents are like, 'Thank you for putting this struggle into words,'” says Edwards of the feedback he's gotten about his Facebook post.

“As an author and father, it's been a wonderful feeling to realize that I am, without a doubt, not alone in this struggle.”

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