Over a third of Americans have felt judged about their cooking skills, according to new research.

A survey of 2,000 people found that when it comes to their skills in the kitchen, 37 percent have felt judged by others. But a “Top Chef” appearance probably isn’t in most people’s futures, seeing as one in five (21 percent) think they have only one standout dish in their arsenal — and the average American surveyed can only prepare five meals completely, without any help from a recipe.


The survey, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Mazola Corn Oil, asked respondents which meal they felt most confident cooking — and found it to be breakfast.

Pictured: One of the few dishes most of us are comfortable cooking without a recipe.

Pictured: One of the few dishes most of us are comfortable cooking without a recipe. (iStock)

The top five meals that respondents can make without a recipe included eggs over easy (49 percent), scrambled eggs (46 percent), hard-boiled eggs (44 percent), poached eggs (44 percent) and French toast (41 percent).

Even the simplest recipes can cause chaos in the kitchen, though. The average American forgets four ingredients per month while cooking their dishes. In addition, over half (52 percent) of respondents admitted they’ve had a full-on kitchen disaster, prompting 31 percent of those to trash it and start from scratch.

In fairness, some people LIKE their toast this dark.

In fairness, some people LIKE their toast this dark. (iStock)


But kitchen mishaps won’t keep people from taking on new culinary challenges in 2020.

Nearly half (49 percent) plan on tackling more complex recipes in the new year and 45 percent hope to diversify the types of cuisine they cook. And roughly the same percentage — 48 percent — would like to embrace healthier eating habits.

“It’s important to find ingredients in the kitchen that are a smart choice for your family and encourage healthy eating habits,” said Mike Shehorn, the senior brand manager of Mazola.

Over a third of Americans have felt judged about their cooking skills, according to new research.

Over a third of Americans have felt judged about their cooking skills, according to new research. (iStock)

Other common barriers that have prevented respondents from cooking included time (39 percent), lack of knowledge (34 percent) and a lack of inspiration (30 percent).

There are definitely some gaps in respondents’ knowledge when it comes to cooking, too. A third (33 percent) admitted to feeling intimidated when using a spatula. And 30 percent got anxious about whisks and measuring cups while a quarter got tense when attempting to use a food processor.


That isn't stopping most from updating their cooking skills, however, as 42 percent said they were hoping to master air frying, and 36 percent dreaming of becoming a baking maestro. A third (34 percent) want to set their grill skills alight.

Top Meals Survey Participants Can Make Without a Recipe

  • Eggs over easy: 49 percent
  • Scrambled eggs: 46 percent
  • Hard-boiled eggs: 44 percent
  • Poached eggs: 44 percent
  • French toast: 41 percent
  • Soup: 36 percent
  • Grilled cheese: 36 percent
  • Pasta: 36 percent
  • Rice: 36 percent
  • Salad: 36 percent

Most Intimidating Kitchen Tools

  • Spatula: 33 percent
  • Measuring cups: 30 percent
  • Whisk: 30 percent
  • Food processor: 26 percent
  • Measuring spoons: 25 percent
  • Air fryer: 22 percent
  • Deep fryer: 21 percent
  • Pressure cooker: 17 percent
  • Immersion blender: 16 percent
  • Pasta maker: 16 percent