Up Close and Latina: The Real Housewives of Miami

MIAMI, Fla., -- For the first time in the hit show's history, Bravo's Real Housewives reality series will have a predominately Latina cast.

Four of the ladies in "The Real Housewives of Miami," which airs Tuesday, Feb. 22, are Hispanic, and for some of the new cast members, it is a long time coming.

"It's a big breakthrough in this industry that finally they're acknowledging the presence and power of Latin people," says Adriana de Moura, a Brazilian art dealer in Miami, who looks like she just walked off the cover of Vogue.

"We are, for sure, one of the biggest demographics now and to be representing Latino people is a big honor."

De Moura, who is described by the show's public relations handler as the "fiery and flirtatious" one, said she is “thrilled to represent Brazil.”

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"The Real Housewives" has been a phenomenal success for Bravo. Since its inception in 2006, there have been multiple versions of the reality show that follow the lives of wealthy, and erudite women who mostly share an appetite for high society, fashion, and, at times, drama that can only be produced through the kaleidoscope-like prism of a reality T.V.

The show has filmed in Beverly Hills, New Jersey, Washington DC, New York and Atlanta. But finally, it has arrived at the epicenter of Latin America: Miami.

"Being that it's Miami, I think they needed to have the Latino representation because Miami has a huge Hispanic community and it wouldn't be fair if we wouldn't be represented," said Alexia Echeverria, who with her husband, runs Venue, a popular Spanish language magazine, based in Miami.

"I think America is ready for the Latin culture. It's part of America already, you see it on American TV, you see "Modern Family" and many other shows as well, where they're implementing Latin culture. Who better than us?" she said.

Echeverria, who is tall, blonde, and exudes the presence of a runway fashionista, is of Cuban heritage, like the majority of Hispanics in Miami.

"My grandmother raised me Cuban. She always instilled the Cuban culture, the foods, the traditions," says Echeverria who is a mother of two and is nicknamed Cuban Barbie."

We think in English but then we find a better word in Spanish, so we express it in Spanish.

"I am blessed that I was born and raised here so I have a little bit of both -- the American and the Cuban," she said. "I truly embrace and love both cultures."

"I'm very proud that I'm a Latina," Echeverria said. “La cultura Latina es muy importante y el mundo tiene que saber.”

"The Real Housewives of Miami" also includes Larsa Pippen, the wife of retired NBA legend Scottie Pippen; Marysol Patton, a divorcee who runs the influential P.R. company, “The Patton Group;” Lea Black the wife of a criminal defense attorney, and finally Cristy Rice, another Latina who owns a clothing store and is the former wife of NBA player Glen Rice.

One of the signature aspects of the series has been the drama and at times bewildering antics by some of the previous shows participants. The New Jersey cast and their propensity to over-throw tables has already become one of the best known moments in the annals of reality TV.

During the D.C. series, Michaele Salahi, and her husband, Tariq, infamously party-crashed a White House dinner.

Will viewers see examples of drama in the Miami season?

"Well, yeah, of course. I mean how are we not going to have drama? This is The Real Housewives show," Echeverria said. "It's Bravo. We're going to have drama in different ways."

“We have six ladies together. I mean, there's going to be some kind of drama. We're all opinionated, we all have ideas, we're all different."

"It's six big egos in one small space, so sparks will fly,” says De Moura. "As the show develops, you're going to see the cattiness in a couple of individuals, more than others, where they portray themselves as very nice and proper but deep down the envy was just boiling up."

"Right!," Echeverria yells out, agreeing. And the two share a laugh, like life-long friends.

Serafin Gómez is the Miami Bureau Producer for FOX News Channel.

FNC Ivonne Amor contributed to this report. 

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