UFC Fighter Rampage Jackson Shares Too Much Information About Life on 'A-Team' Set

Quinton “Rampage” Jackson’s first foray into the film world wasn’t exactly glamorous – it seems the UFC champ had quite the wardrobe malfunction while doing stunts on-set for “The A-Team” remake.

“I tore some underwear because I gained so much weight,” Jackson told us. “That’s a little too much information, but that’s what I’m known for – giving too much information. That’s what my friends tell me all the time.”

But even the “glamorous” aspects associated with being a film star – like being preened and perfected by a talented team – didn’t exactly go down all that well with the 31-year-old.

“Man, I had to begin the day in the makeup trailer.  I did not sign on for that. I wish I would have known that,” Jackson said. “But the ladies up there that did my makeup, we became great friends.  Everyone from the cast to the crew was really great.  If they said something bad, they knew that I would put the smack down on them.”

On that note, the former light-heavyweight titleholder came down pretty hard on himself prior to taking on the challenge of playing B.A Baracus, which was brought to life in the 80’s by the now iconic Laurence “Mr. T” Tureaud.

“It was a bit stressful at first because I didn’t want to be the guy that messed this movie up,” Jackson admitted. “I’m such a big fan of the movie that I would have been mad at myself, it was a lot of stress on me … Mr. T was my homeboy; I used to watch him so much. But I never met him, but that would have been cool. It would have been real cool.”

Well, if the reports that were running rampant last week were anything to go by, that might not have been such a chilled encounter. A WENN article quoted Mr. T slamming the film for being “too graphic” and lacking the spirit that made the original television series such a hit. However, a lawyer for Tureaud has since come forth and said his client “did not see the film, and has not made the comment attributed to him.”

And while it's pretty safe to say Jackson has at least a few fans in his homeland – filming in Canada (with mostly foreign actors,) meant the new actor had to prove to his high-powered cast mates that he was actually a somebody.

“We all came from big movies, we all came off big films which was kind of fun – except for Rampage. He was just a world-famous fighter,” co-star Sharlto-Copley enthused. “He (Jackson) kept telling me – I didn’t know what UFC was – ‘I’ve got a few fans,’ the whole time during the movie. And then as soon as we get to America, every time I go somewhere with him, everyone is like ‘Rampage! Rampage! Sign something, Rampage!’”

Fellow star, Liam Neeson, agreed – but drew a particularly peculiar comparison.

“I know, it’s like walking around on the street with Princess Diana,” he said.

Awkward pause…

“I’ve never been called that before,” Jackson responded. “That’s messed up Liam.”

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