Robert De Niro's anti-Trump Tonys speech slammed as 'disgusting' by actor Robert Davi

Robert Davi, right, criticized Robert De Niro's, right, speech at the Tony Awards. (AP/Reuters)

Robert Davi had a few choice words for fellow actor Robert De Niro after the "Raging Bull" star launched a profanity-laced tirade about President Trump during Sunday's politically charged Tony Awards.

An impassioned Davi told TMZ De Niro's profanity-laced speech was "disgusting."

"It was disgusting. He shouldn’t have done it. It’s art, art unites people, it doesn’t separate people," Davi told the gossip site. "No matter how you feel about a president … or a candidate … you know, this is still America, and we should at least have respect and a certain decorum."

In Sunday night's speech, De Niro as he clenched his two fists in the air, "I'm gonna say one thing: F--- Trump!" He left panic-stricken broadcast censors trying bleep out the remarks. "It's no longer down with Trump, it's f--- Trump!"

Davi said he would never disrespect the president.

Robert Davi in 1988's "Die Hard."

"I didn’t agree with President Obama, but I respected him," the "Die Hard" actor explained. "I met him, we shook hands. All right? You don’t do that, you don’t … alienate people like that."

De Niro is not fan of the president. He has recently appeared multiple times on “Saturday Night live,” playing Special Counsel Robert Mueller who’s investigating the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

In March, the actor bashed Trump at the Fulfillment Fund fundraiser.

“A college education is important, but education without humanity is ignorance. Look at our president. He made it through the University of Pennsylvania, so he was exposed to a quality education, but he’s still an idiot. And he lacks any sense of humanity or compassion,” he said, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

De Niro again criticized Trump in April during the opening night of the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival.

"America's being run by a madman who wouldn't recognize the truth if it came inside a bucket of his beloved Colonel Sanders Fried Chicken,” he said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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