Rapper 21 Savage apologizes for 'Jewish money' lyrics that LeBron James posted

Rapper 21 Savage apologized this week for his "Jewish money" lyrics that got LeBron James in hot water.

Over the weekend, James posted a video of himself listening to the 21 Savage track "ASMR," which contains the lyrics "We been getting that Jewish money, everything is Kosher."

James apologized for the clip on Monday in a statement to ESPN, telling the network, "Apologies, for sure, if I offended anyone. That's not why I chose to share that lyric. I always [post lyrics]. That's what I do. I ride in my car, I listen to great music and that was the byproduct of it. So, I actually thought it was a compliment and obviously it wasn't through the lens of a lot of people. My apologies. It definitely was not the intent, obviously, to hurt anybody."


Savage, whose album "I AM>I Was" was released Friday, apologized for his remarks on Twitter on Christmas.

"The Jewish people I know are very wise with there [sic] money so that's why I said we been gettin Jewish money I never thought anyone would take offense," 21 Savage tweeted Tuesday. "I'm sorry if I offended everybody never my intention I love all people."

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