John Oliver says he 'failed' with Dustin Hoffman

"Last Week Tonight With John Oliver" (HBO)

John Oliver has had time to reflect on his heated conversation about sexual misconduct allegations against Dustin Hoffman, and he’s come to a simple conclusion - he failed.

The “Last Week Tonight” host stopped by “The Russell Howard Hour” where the British comedian was asked about recently making headlines at a film screening with Hoffman, who has been accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women. Oliver explained that he felt he had to ask the 80-year-old star about the controversy, but wasn’t pleased with the results, ultimately admitting he “failed.”

“It felt unavoidable and that we had to have a discussion about it,” Oliver said Friday on the British comedy news show. “It wasn’t ideal that it became such a big story because then it became about my questions rather than his answers. The questions weren’t particularly remarkable, but his answers were kind of not great.”

Dustin Hoffman (AP)

In addition to voicing his thoughts on the success or failure of his questions, he also revealed that the debate wasn’t necessarily a surprise to everyone. Oliver noted that he warned the people organizing the screening, which took place in honor of the 20th anniversary of Hoffman’s “Wag the Dog,” that he would bring up the allegations. First, he made sure it was clear when Hoffman was unconfirmed for the event, and again after he was coming for sure. Both times, he was told that he was still their choice. What's unclear is if the organizers ever made Hoffman aware of Oliver's intentions.

At the time, Hoffman denied the allegations against him. However, since that time more have come forward. Oliver's comments about the incident can be seen in the video below at the 9:40 mark.

WARNING: The below video contains graphic language.

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