Florida Georgia Line, show manager hit with multi-million dollar lawsuit

Brian Kelley (L) and Tyler Hubbard of the country pop group Florida Georgia Line made $24 million. (Reuters)

Florida Georgia Line may be one of the most popular country acts, but there’s at least one company that isn’t too keen on the "This Is How We Roll" duo right now.

Country Explosion LLC, the company behind the Country Explosion music fest in Salt Lake City, is suing FGL and their road show manager Troy Johnson for breach of contract and defamation, asking for more than $15 million.

According to a complaint filed last week, Country Explosion LLC gave Johnson a $205,000 check, but asked him to hold off on cashing it for three days to allow for box office receipts, which would clear within 72 hours. Although Johnson agreed to the terms, he cashed the check the next day, breaching the oral agreement made between the two parties, the company claims.

“As if adding insult to injury, on July 22, 2014, Johnson announced by email to the William Morris Agency Nashville and to other artists and booking agencies in Nashville, that the check had bounced, making Country [Explosion] absolutely toxic among the artists and booking agencies in Nashville,” writes attorney David Drake in the complaint. “This has also had repercussions in the entertainment industry around the whole country.”

Country Explosion LLC says that Florida Georgia Line “intentionally misrepresented” the situation, making it difficult to book acts for next summer’s fest. The company alleges that they have not been able to book a performer since the email announcement from Johnson and claims that he should be responsible to pay the costs of their lost business.

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While no one in the Florida Georgia Line camp has commented to the press, their public relations firm did release this statement in defense of the lawsuit:

We are disappointed to learn of the lawsuit filed by Country Explosion, LLC in Utah yesterday. We have attempted in good faith to resolve this dispute without resorting to litigation. However, Country Explosions defensive, and factually creative filing cannot change the fact that Country Explosion remains in breach of its agreement and still owes Florida Georgia Line a significant amount for their Sunday night performance at the 2014 Festival, which the band performed for their fans despite not being paid as contracted. We intend to pursue our claims aggressively and believe the truth regarding Country Explosions actions and inactions, and the factual inaccuracies in their complaint, will be clear as the litigation proceeds.

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