Alec Baldwin Berated By NYPD’s Hispanic Society After Biking Arrest

Alec Baldwin at TCL Chinese Theatre IMAX on April 10, 2014 in Hollywood, California. (2014 Getty Images)

Alec Baldwin is definitely not making any friends within the New York Police Department.

The actor’s latest tantrum after he was arrested for driving his bicycle in the wrong direction in Manhattan has irritated the head of the department’s Hispanic Society, who berated the actor Wednesday for his boorish behavior toward two female cops.

“Shame on Mr. Baldwin for not having his ID,” said Det. Dennis Gonzalez, the NY Daily News reported. “Does he expect special privilege because he’s an actor?”

The “30 Rock” star was pedaling the wrong way on Fifth Ave. near Union Square Park on Monday when he was stopped and asked to show identification.

According to police he refused and acted belligerently, prompting the officers to handcuff him and take him, and his bicycle, to a nearby precinct. Baldwin was issued two summonses – for riding a bike the wrong way and for disorderly conduct.

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Baldwin, 56, later used Twitter to criticize Rosario Montero, one of the police officers who arrested him.

“My only point is that claims by (Montero) of disorderly conduct are either a distortion or outright lie. Montero lied in her report,” he tweeted.

The actor’s tweets did not sit well Det. Gonzalez, who said Montero did everything by the book, the NY Daily News reported.

“Officer Rosario Montero conducted herself in a professional manner. She should not have to tolerate verbal abuse from Mr. Baldwin,” he said, noting the actor’s long history of altercations with police officers and paparazzi.

“Mr. Baldwin stated the last time he was leaving the city because of the paparazzi. Maybe if he left this never would have happened,” Gonzalez continued.

Via Twitter, Baldwin insisted that he had not expected special treatment from the NYPD.

“I simply want people to know I asked for no special treatment. It was a ticket for riding a bicycle. I can handle it,” he tweeted.

But according to sources, the actor is underplaying his role in the entire incident.

“He's in the street, screaming at her, spittle coming off his mouth. But the fact is he got treated like anyone else,” said one source.

NYC’s Mayor Bill de Blasio, who had Baldwin among his earliest supporters, gave a lukewarm response when asked about the episode.

“I think it’s unfortunate. I respect him, I think has said some important and thoughtful things about this city over the years, but this is an unfortunate situation,” de Blasio said.

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