
When your car is stolen, you’re lucky to ever get it back, let alone 34 years later. But when it’s returned after all that time and is as good, if not better than ever..?

That’s what happened to Ron Reolfi, who’s beloved 1968 Chevrolet Camaro disappeared from a parking lot in Jackson Township, Ohio, in 1981.

Ron tells FoxNews.com that his family had purchased the car about a year earlier for $600, and he and his dad had some work done on it, including new fenders, a paint job, a fresh interior, and engine upgrades. It had only been on the road for a couple of weeks before it got ripped off, and the trail of the hot car and its 327 V8 quickly went cold.

Last year, however, the Reolfi’s got a call from the police. The car had recently been sold in Delaware and the stolen car report showed up during a VIN search. After spending months of wrangling with the authorities and insurance company that originally covered it, and thousands of dollars, the family finally reclaimed their car.

“Moneywise, it was worth the trouble and expense,” says Ron. “Its value to us as a family is much greater than what the car might actually be worth.”

But that could be a lot. Despite having changed hands four times over the years, Ron says it looks as good as he remembers it. In fact, it appears to have a new hood, an improved rear axle, suspension and engine, and the interior may have even been redone again.

It currently has about 50,000 miles on the odometer, and -- even though that could really mean 150,000 or 250,000 -- runs great.

The classic Camaro is licensed and insured (of course!), but while you may spot it cruising down the road near the Reolfi’s North Canton home, don’t expect to see it on sale again any time soon.