
Car people can be either the toughest, or the easiest people on the planet to buy holiday gifts for. If you understand their individual afflictions, it’s a snap:

  1. THE BRITISH CAR PERSON A 50-pound bag of economy cat litter. Why? Because nothing absorbs fluids leaked from a British car better. A six pack of Newcastle Brown Ale would be nice, too.
  2. ITALIAN CAR PERSON No Italian car fan should be without a fresh copy of Pavarotti’s Greatest Hits, because the music of multiple overhead cams and sucking Webers sounds oh so much better with Nessun Dorma! or La Donna è Mobile in the background.
  3. MUSCLE CAR LOVER This one’s easy: A Summit Racing gift card. Because you can never have too much horsepower.
  4. FRENCH CAR LOVER Since the act of rebuilding the hydraulics of a Citröen will likely have anyone pondering the futility of his or her existence and questioning why anyone with free will would want to do such a thing in the first place, might we suggest the complete works of Sartre and Camus, two French existentialists.
  5. JAPANESE CAR LOVER This one’s a no-brainer too—An English copy of the very rare book “Fairlady Z Story” by the father of the Z car (and for that matter of Japanese cars in America), Yutaka Katayama.

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