
Parallel parking is one of the most difficult aspects of driving to learn. Many people never learn how to do it properly because they live in a town where it isn't necessary, but if you live in a city or frequently travel to high-traffic downtown areas, you will need to learn how to parallel park. Although it can prove challenging at first, the difficulty of parallel parking can be significantly exaggerated. Once you get the hang of it, it will be a skill that you will retain as long as you're on the road.

  1. Pull your car up beside the car in front of the space you want to occupy. You should be roughly 2 feet from the car and aligned with it as closely as possible.
  2. Check all mirrors and blind spots. You need to be aware of your surroundings.
  3. Put car in reverse.
  4. Start moving backward. Turn your steering wheel sharply toward the curb.
  5. Align your back seat with the rear bumper of the car to your left.
  6. Now, alter your trajectory by turning the steering wheel away from the curb.
  7. Keep moving backward.
  8. Stop when you are securely in the space, close to the car behind you.
  9. Straighten out the car by moving forward, then backward again if necessary.
  10. You should be between 5 and 7 inches from the curb and parallel with it.
  11. If at any point during the process, you miscalculate a parking maneuver irreparably, simply drive back out to the starting position and begin again.