
Another male student's request for a preliminary injunction alleging gender-discrimination in the school's sexual assault investigation was dismissed in federal court on Wednesday, illustrating once again the difficulty students are having in the federal system.

Despite this, Judge Steve Jones (who was nominated for the court by President Obama) wrote that Georgia Institute of Technology's adjudication process was "very far from an ideal representation of due process."

The student, identified only as John Doe in the lawsuit, alleged that his due process rights were violated and that he was discriminated against because of his male gender in order for Georgia Tech to appear tough on campus sexual assault. On both counts the judge ruled against the student, meaning the student's current expulsion will stand.

Georgia Tech employs a single-investigator model for adjudicating accusations of sexual assault, meaning just one person investigates and judges the allegation. In this case, that investigator, Peter Paquette, ignored inconsistencies in the accuser's story, yet determined the accused to be not credible after he admitted to telling a single lie, which he corrected. Paquette also refused to interview witnesses on behalf of the accused, including two who could have disputed the accuser's claim.

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