
Dan Goor, co-creator of the Andy Samberg-starring Fox show "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," which won the Golden Globe on Sunday night for best TV comedy series, proudly boasted at the end of his acceptance speech that the accolade was way more rewarding than his initial career plan: medicine.

"I'd like to thank my wife and two kids, even the two-and-a-half year old who is a nightmare. And I almost went to med school, I decided to do this," Goor exclaimed, motioning to his new statue. "This is way better, way better than saving a human life. Thank you!"

Yes, it wasa joke. But not everyone thought it was funny.

Joke or no joke, the wording didn't go down too well with many.

"What kind of depraved person would say that winning an entertainment award was 'way better than saving a human life,' even in jest? Possibly even sadder is many in the Hollywood audience applauded Goor's words suggesting they agreed with him," Noel Sheppard wrote for NewsBusters.org. "Makes you shudder, doesn't it?"

Many more agreed that Goor went too far.

"I've never heard of Dan Goor until now but at least I now see that he's a certifiable idiot," one tweeted, as another quipped: "Wow, congrats on ur speech! Sorry, sarcastic me. I deal with life & death at my work as a NICU-RT."

Others, however, defended the producer, and explained his sense of humor.

"It was self-depreciating, facetious humor," one observer wrote in response. "That's Goor's entire career in a nutshell."

Samberg also won a Golden Globe statue for Best Actor in a TV Comedy series, culminating in two of the biggest surprise handouts of the night.

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