Will reducing sanctions on Iran make the US vulnerable?

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and five world powers are pushing for Iran to approve a preliminary nuclear agreement they hope would defuse a decade-old standoff.

Negotiations will resume on November 20 and Secretary Kerry hopes a deal will be reached in the next few months.

Fox News National Security Analyst KT McFarland asked Chris Griffin, Executive Director of the Foreign Policy Initiative, what a possible deal could look like for the U.S.

While recent developments are promising, Griffin says a major sticking point in negotiations remains.

“The Iranians may not have not been willing to concede the essential objectives at the negotiations aimed to result in a freeze of the Iranian nuclear program,” said Griffin.

Griffin said there are several components that would appear to be a “good deal” for the U.S. if Iran agrees. Iran would have to “freeze its [nuclear] program and begins to roll it back … and would allow international inspections to occur in a manner that inspectors can verify Iran is meeting its obligations,” said Griffin.

“Iran must take steps in finally stop building and disable the heavy nuclear reactor at Arak,” said Griffin. A possible agreement would allow International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors access to the Arak heavy water site. Critics have warned that using heavy water is an indication of Iran’s desire to build nuclear weapons.

If Iran were to acquire nuclear weapons, Griffin warns it could lead to a possible arms race in the region, raising alarms in Washington.

“Saudi [Arabia] has looked at the option of essentially acquiring a nuclear weapon from Pakistan,” said Griffin. “The Turks and Egyptians both have relatively advanced industrial and scientific communities that they themselves pursue a nuclear weapon if they so choose.”

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has criticized U.S.-led negotiations with Iran, which some critics believe could hurt our bilateral relationship.

“If Israel is faced with the prospect that the international community has agreed to a bad deal … there option ultimately becomes live with the consequences or consider a strike themselves,” said Griffin.