Violent Attacks Hit Chinese Schools

The attack began at about 8:20 a.m., as children were arriving at the private Shengshui Temple Kindergarten in Hanzhong's Nanzheng county, a Hanzhong government statement said. (Reuters)

Anxious parents and relatives wait at 3201 Hospital in Hanzhong City, northwest China's Shaanxi Province. (Reuters)

The school is located in the city's rural outskirts in a relatively poor part of the country, and images posted on the Internet showed the school, which is housed in a tumbledown two-story farmhouse.

Parents wait outside the school anxiously for their children after the attack.  The killer, 48-year-old Wu Huanming, returned home after the attack on the outskirts of the city of Hanzhong and committed suicide, the local government reported. (Reuters).

Medical workers take an injured child to ICU at 3201 Hospital in Hanzhong City, northwest China's Shaanxi Province after the brutal attack at Shengshui Temple kindergarten. (AP)

The aftermath of the first school attack, which occurred in late March, is seen here. The most recent attack was the fifth major assault on young students in China since late March, and occurred despite increased security at schools countrywide, with gates and security cameras installed at some schools and additional police and guards posted at entrances. (Reuters)

Chinese police officers bring Zheng Minsheng to a court house. A Chinese court sentenced the former medical worker to death for the stabbing murders of eight children as they waited with their parents to enter their elementary school. (AP)

A child walks past blood-stained water as police officers clean up the crime scene outside a elementary school where a man stabbed 13 students in Nanping in southeast China's Fujian province. (AP)

A child who was stabbed in a stabbing incident at a Chinese elementary school in the first of a series of attacks is treated at a hospital in Nanping.  (AP).

Chinese parents and residents mourn for the children killed by a knife-weilding man outside the elementary school campus in Nanping in southeast China's Fujian province. (AP)