Venezuela opposition seeks removal of Supreme court judges

Venezuelan National Assembly first Vice President Freddy Guevara, center, gives a press conference outside the assembly building in Caracas, Venezuela, Sunday, April 2, 2017. Venezuela's president and Supreme Court backed down Saturday from an unprecedented move to strip congress of its legislative powers that had sparked widespread charges that the South American country was no longer a democracy. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano) (The Associated Press)

Venezuelan opposition lawmakers are calling for the removal of the Supreme Court judges who issued a ruling nullifying the country's congress.

That ruling threw the South American country into a political crisis last week. The decision was reversed on Saturday after coming under heavy international criticism.

Opposition leaders said Sunday that the judges had to be removed to restore constitutional order in the economically embattled country.

Leaders said they will take up the matter in congress on Tuesday. The body's authority has now been reinstated, but congress does not have the power to recall judges by itself. The opposition is also calling for a street protest Tuesday.

President Nicholas Maduro addressed the matter in a speech Sunday and accused his opponents of desperately seeking to generate violence through street protests.