The Week in Latino News: 9/11 Edition

9/11's high school students were mere blocks away when the Twin Towers were hit and subsequently fell. <a target="_blank" href=""><b>Three students talk about how the day changed them.</b></a>

The reporter for the piece on Stuyvesant students gives his <a href=""><b>firsthand account of evacuating the school on that day and reflects on the spirit of 9/11.</b></a> (Courtesy Noah Van Gilder)

Argentine doctor, Alejandra Ciappa, remembers that on 9/11 <a href=""><b>she helped evacuate seniors and that amid horror -- there was hope.</b></a>

<a href=""><b>Colors is a restaurant that was opened by employees of Windows of the World,</b></a> a restaurant that lost many workers on 9/11. It has struggled to remain open but managed to survive.

<a href=""><b>While a nation mourned, sports helped to begin the healing. </b></a>New York Yankees' Jorge Posada greeted U.S. Army Sgt. Al Betancourt, left, and Congressional Medal of Honor awardee Sgt. 1st Class Leroy Petry before ceremonies to honor the 10-year anniversary of September 11, 2001. (AP)

Hundreds of low-paid workers that worked on the perimeter of the disaster site haven't been nearly as visible as those who worked at the site itself, <a href=""><b>but they are struggling to cope with how their proximity to Ground Zero has transformed their lives.</b></a> (AP)

U.S. Army Sgt. First Class Leroy Arthur Petry talks to <a href=""><b>Geraldo Rivera about what 9/11 means to him.</b></a> (Charles Dharapak / AP Photo)