Russian anti-smoking poster likens Obama to mass killer

A Russian anti-smoking advertisement likens President Barack Obama to a mass killer and is the latest in a string of anti-American propaganda.

“Smoking kills more people than Obama, although he kills lots and lots of people,” the poster reads in Russian. “Don’t smoke, don’t be like Obama.” The poster shows Obama holding a cigarette.

Dmitry Gudkov, the lone liberal opposition member of Russia’s
parliament, wrote on Facebook that he saw the poster at a Moscow bus stop, according to The Guardian.

Анекдоты с бородой — в жизнь. «У нас в СССР — свобода слова! Я тоже могу выйти на Красную площадь и сколько угодно ругат...

Posted by Dmitry Gudkov on Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Gudkov called the poster “disgusting and embarrassing.” His post received more than 1,000 likes and more than 300 shares.

“Soon they’ll be scaring kids with Obama rather than Baba Yaga,” a witch from Russian folk tales, Gudkov told The Guardian.

It’s not the first time Obama has been disparaged by Russians. In February, a banner replaced the world “hope” in Obama’s 2008 election poster with the world “killer.” It was hung from a residential building across from the US embassy in Moscow. A video in February was broadcast on the sides of some buildings in Moscow calling for Obama to be judged by a Hague war crimes tribunal.

Click for more from The Guardian.

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