Recession's Biggest Losers, J.Lo's Next Beau and Gay Marriage: It's The Week In Latino News

<a href=""><b>Behind every marriage certificate there is a story.</b></a> From left, couples Nevin Cohen and Daniel Hernandez, Carol Anastasio and Miriam Brown, and Marcos Chaljub and Freddy Zambrano, all of New York, celebrate after getting married at the Manhattan City Clerk's office. (AP)

<a href=""><b>Wanna bet William Levy will be the first man to date Jennifer Lopez</b></a> post-Marc Anthony? You can, literally: An online betting site is also offering up odds on P.Diddy, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Charlie Sheen winning J.Lo's heart.

Blame the housing market. <a href=""><b>The recession hurt everyone, but no group more so than Latinos.</b></a> (Getty Images)

It may sound like squawk or tweet to you, but careful now – that's a parrot's name! Researchers in Venezuela <a href=""><b>have learned that wild parrots name their babies.</b></a>  

The lastest volley in the battle for Latino voters. <a href=""><b>First the RNC debuted ads</b></a> in the Southwest, then the <a href=""><b>Dems debuted a campaign</b></a> in select cities. Now the <a href=""><b>GOP has turned their attention to Florida's Latinos.</b></a> What do you think about this face-off for the Latino vote? (Getty Images)

A judge in Mexico is in hot water after posting <a href=""><b>photos of bikini-clad women by the hotel swimming pool along with racy comments</b></a>. One of his quotes was, "Don't tease me, gringa, because the flesh is weak." (EFE/FILE)

In an opinion piece, <a href=""><b>Mariela Dabbah says that Latinos don't help other Latinos. </b></a>She says that those with power "talk about the importance of pulling up those who follow in their footsteps—then turn around and cut the rope when they are asked for help."   (Getty Images)