President Obama Will Push Raising Minimum Wage to Over $10

President Barack Obama sits with Emily Hare as she completes her spelling lessons during his visit to a preschool classroom at Powell Elementary School in the Petworth neighborhood of Washington, Tuesday, March 4, 2014. Obama visited the school to talk about his 2015 budget proposal, which was released today. Powell elementary has seen rapid growth in recent years and serves a predominantly Hispanic student body. Washington DC Mayor Vincent Gray, who greeted Obama at the school, recently directed $20 million to Powell for a planned modernization and addition. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) (AP2014)

President Barack Obama wants the U.S. to follow Connecticut's lead by raising the minimum wage.

Obama is traveling to a public university in Connecticut Wednesday to amplify his call for Congress to raise the hourly rate from $7.25 to $10.10. It's a major priority for Obama this year, but it's not clear Congress will go along.

Governors from Connecticut, Vermont, Rhode Island and Massachusetts will join Obama to lend their support.

Connecticut's governor signed a wage hike last year that raises hourly wages to $9 next January. He's also asked state lawmakers to raise it further to $10.10 in line with Obama's proposal.

Obama will also stop in Boston to headline two fundraisers for the Democratic National Committee.

The trip comes a day after Obama unveiled his 2015 budget proposal.

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