Polish priest tries to give a newspaper an 'exorcism' over its alleged biased coverage

A Polish priest tried to give one of the country’s top newspapers an "exorcism" Sunday amid a protest over its alleged biased coverage.

The priest and around 50 supporters of the ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party gathered outside the Warsaw offices of the Gazeta Wyborcza newspaper to denounce the “lies of the media,” AFP reports.

The newspaper has been critical of the recently-elected party, which has plans to overhaul state media, according to the AFP. The newspaper is led by Adam Michnik, a former dissident.

After a march, the priest – surrounded by protesters holding an icon of the Virgin Mary and a sign reading "Rosary crusade for the Motherland" – recited an exorcism prayer, one of the news agency’s journalists reported.

The protesters were met with a flurry of leaflets that had cartoons defending freedom of speech, while a large banner reading "Constitution without censorship" hung from the newspaper’s offices.

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