LATISM Tweetup: Social Media Meets Community Activism

"Social Media, in and of itself, cannot save the world," Elianne Ramos says. "People can save the world. Doing social media for social good is about using the power of the available tools to create tangible change in the world around us." (Courtesy Elianne Ramos)

<a href="!/salmendoza" target="_blank">@SalMendoza</a> "The beauty of LATISM is that the power of social media becomes exponential. Juntos, together, we can accomplish anything." - Elianne Ramos (Courtesy Salvador Mendoza)

George Torres (<a href="!/UrbanJibaro" target="_blank">@UrbanJibaro</a>), Elianne Ramos (<a href="!/ergeekgoddess" target="_blank">@ergeekgoddess</a>), David Flores (<a href="!/dfloresbx" target="_blank">dfloresbx</a>) and Dr. Juan Emilio Carillo. (Courtesy Salvador Mendoza)

(Courtesy Salvador Mendoza)

Ana Roca-Castro (<a href="!/AnaRC" target="_blank">AnaRC</a>), right. (Courtesy Salvador Mendoza)

Alex Guerrero (<a href="!/Tespis" target="_blank">@Tespis</a>) (Courtesy Salvador Mendoza)

(Courtesy Salvador Mendoza)

Carlos Macias (<a href="!/thecarlitosway" target="_blank">@thecarlitosway</a>), Elianne Ramos, Rachel Negron (<a href="!/RachlWhite" target="_blank">@RachlWhite</a>) (Courtesy Elianne Ramos)

(Courtesy Elianne Ramos)

The LATISM Sustainable Development Project is a three-pronged approach to creating something long-lasting on the border of Haiti and the Dominican Republic for children and mothers. (Courtesy