Growing Trend Of Collaborative Workplaces, Propelled By A Latino

Regus' flexible work space and business lounge in Midtown Manhattan in New York City.

Regus' flexible work space and business lounge in Midtown Manhattan in New York City.

Regus Group Americas CEO Guillermo Rotman

With the current start-up revolution and growing American entrepreneurial spirit, more and more people see the advantages of shared work spaces. Not only do they foster collaboration and create a sense of community — these budget-friendly working spaces offer things traditional office environment just can’t.

Dallas-based Regus Group Americas promotes the movement as the “future of work.”

“Our business centers help people to become very efficient, to work very efficiently, but most important, they have an audience where they meet. You don’t work in isolation,” CEO Guillermo Rotman told Fox News Latino.

Regus business is to offer individuals and even entire companies various choices of office space in buildings across the country, catering to the specific needs of the individual businesses. Along with combining high-end design and features like a coffee bar café, the co-working environment becomes more than just a physical meeting place.

“People love the idea that they are part of a network, a community,” Rotman said.

An Argentinean native, Rotman has been instrumental in the company’s growth over the last 12 years.

And this makes sense, since Latinos have been at the forefront of the growing movement toward shared office space, with people in Latin America latching on to this idea years before the trend took hold in the U.S.

After holding top leadership positions for several companies, including  Blockbuster, Kraft, PepsiCo and PizzaHut, Rotman was lured to Regus when he realized it was going to be “the next big thing.”

“I was always looking to get to the best opportunities,” said Rotman.

“I worked in Caracas, Venezuela, for a few years but obviously the U.S. was the most attractive market.”

For the 55-year-old, working with Regus has allowed him to maintain his connection between the U.S. and Latin America, where he says his heart still lies.

After helping to establish Regus’ Latin America locations, Rotman continued to see how his roots were a huge advantage when it came to doing business and climbing the corporate ladder.

“I think that Latinos are very entrepreneurial, we like big challenges,” he said.

“We can be very charming, we can be easy communicators, and that makes a difference.”

When catering to the Latino customers, “you need to understand the cultural differences and the different tastes,” said Rotman, referencing the emotional connection that needs to be made.

While it’s the sense of community that has attracted Latinos to the idea behind Regus and collaborative workspaces, Rotman says “this is a universal concept that attracts all.”

Calling them “the world's largest provider of flexible workspace,” Regus now serves a million customers on a daily basis.

With their most recent location opening in New York City, the company will reach close to a 1,000 workspaces in the U.S. this year.

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