Grieving father detonates grenades at son's killer's murder trial, injures 7

A grieving father reportedly detonated two grenades during the murder trial of the man accused of killing his son. (Dnipropetrovsk Police Department)

A grieving father killed himself and injured seven others Thursday after reportedly detonating two grenades at the murder trial of the man accused of killing his son.

The fatal incident took place at a court in Nikopol, in the eastern region of Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, police said.

The man killed himself and injured seven people after detonating two grenades in court. (Dnipropetrovsk Police Department)

Local authorities said the father died in the explosion, while seven other people – three defendants, two police officers, a court officer and a civilian – were injured by shrapnel.

All victims were taken to a local hospital; the extent of their injuries were not immediately revealed.

According to police, the unidentified man was on trial for allegedly killing another man in what appeared to be a territorial power struggle in relation to a known drug trafficking area.

The fatal incident occurred during a murder trial in Nikopol, in the eastern region of Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. (Dnipropetrovsk Police Department)

Additional information was not immediately available.

The incident came a day a former Bosnian Croat military chief died after ingesting what appeared to be poison during a war crimes tribunal at The Hague on Wednesday. An autopsy was planned to determine what liquid Slobodan Praljak, 72, ingested.

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