Fox's Latino Family: Audrey Puente


How would you describe yourself to someone who doesn't know you? After all, who knows YOU better than you? This should be easy, right? WRONG!

Several weeks ago, I was asked to write a column for Fox News Latino. I agreed to make it about living life as a modern-day Latina. Many ideas came to my mind about how my life is influenced by the Latino culture in many ways, big and small. I realized I have many stories to share and I hoped the readers of Fox News Latino would be amused by my moments of SABOR.

As I compiled my list of story ideas, I started to question my intention. What message am I trying to send? In what tone should these pieces be written? Which topics should I cover? Why should anyone care about what I have to say? It was this last question that stopped me in my writing tracks. In order for anyone to care about what I have to say, they have to know who I am. So, WHO AM I?

I recently had dinner with some of my fabulous mommy friends. Sitting to my right was my friend Isabel. Isabel works in the media and is Puerto Rican. I told her about this wonderful new opportunity that had been presented to me by Fox News Latino. I also shared my new identity struggle that came along with it.

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Isabel agreed that defining who I was would help set the tone for my column. She went around the table and asked everyone how they would describe me. My friends shared all of the qualities they liked about me as a friend. Then, I realized that is just one of my “roles.”

Who am I? I guess it depends on who you ask. I’m a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, and an aunt. I’m a friend, a mentor, a volunteer, and a Buddhist. I’m a meteorologist, a television personality, a T-shirt designer, and a PTA member. I’m also known as part of a musical legacy (the daughter of the legendary Mambo King Tito Puente), a member of the science community, and a business entrepreneur. I’m a New Yorker, a Puerto Rican, and a Nuyorican.

Above all, I am a human being just like you. I fill many roles, just like you, and I’m trying to do my best in each one…..just like you.

So, for the purpose of this column, I will share about how being a Latina adds spice to all of the dishes of my life. I hope to feed your soul with flavorful thoughts. Please feel free to share your recipes for life too. Let’s stir things up together.

Audrey Puente is a meteorologist for WWOR New York and columnist for Fox News Latino. Follow her on Twitter @AudreyPuente.

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