Chinese officials reportedly holding secret sauna parties

Looking to take the high life underground, China’s officials are reportedly moving their secret parties to saunas disguised as farmhouses and hiding pricey alcohol inside water bottles.

New Chinese President Xi Jinping has warned fellow Communist party officials to cut back on spending public money, but the People's Daily, the party’s official newspaper, says some still aren’t getting the message.

"Instead of going out to high-end restaurants, [officials] are now eating in private clubs," it said Wednesday on its front page, according to The Telegraph. "Is this deep-rooted habit of dining out on public funds so hard to change?"

The newspaper also said it has received reports of officials hiding Panda cigarettes -- around $110 US a pack -- inside Red Pagoda packets that cost only $1.50 US.

China’s official news agency, Xinhua, says a year-long campaign has been planned to try to eliminate the wasteful spending.

Click for more from The Telegraph.

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