Attorney: At least 65 Venezuelan military members detained

People gather for a homage to Miguel Castillo at the spot where he died yesterday in Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, May 11, 2017. Castillo, 27, was killed during an anti-government protest when security forces dispersed thousands of people marching to the Supreme Court to reject a government initiative to rewrite the constitution. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos) (The Associated Press)

A Venezuelan attorney says at least 65 members of the country's military have been detained, including officers and the captain of an important border region unit.

Alonso Medina, with the lawyers' cooperative Foro Penal, said Thursday that some of the officers have been charged with betraying the motherland and instigating rebellion while others are still awaiting a court hearing.

Opposition leader Henrique Capriles contends the nation's military is "completely divided" and "profoundly unhappy" with the government.

The detentions come after more than a month of political unrest in which hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets demanding elections. The protests frequently end with national guardsmen and police launching tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the protesters.

Government leaders deny there is any fissure among the ranks.