Yard Sale Skeleton Turns Out to be $3,000 Real Thing

Yard Sale Skeleton Turns Out to be $3,000 Real Thing

A Florida man thought he was buying a Halloween decoration when he spent $8 for a box of bones at a yard sale. But when he and his wife got the box home, they realized it was an actual human skeleton, MyFoxTampa.com reported.

"I got looking at it and thought, gosh, this is the real thing," recalled Judith Fletcher, wife of Mitchell Fletcher, the retiree who bought the box of bones.

The couple called the Hillsborough County, Fl. Sheriff's office. Detectives took the mystery bones to the medical examiner's office. Experts there determined it's a professionally prepared human anatomical skeleton, the kind used in college and university medical courses, like the example pictured here.

They estimate it's worth more than $3,000.

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