Texas man accused of stealing car from parking lot after applying for job

Courtney Wheat. (Gregg County Courts)

A man in Texas applied for a job at a taco restaurant, then promptly stole a car from the parking lot on Tuesday, police say.

“Who goes and applies for a job and then steals a car in the parking lot?” Kilgore Assistant Police Chief Roman Roberson said, according to KLTV.

Courtney Wheat, 30, was arrested the next day. He had applied to work at a Taco Bueno in Kilgore, some 120 miles east of Dallas.

Brandon Jones told KLTV he left his Datsun 280ZX running because he'd just needed to go back inside the restaurant to grab a kid's meal for his son. "I saw my car just dip down and I knew someone was in my car."

Jones said after he raced outside, he tried and failed to break the car's window. A manager reportedly sped after the car, but could not catch up.

A worker told Jones that the suspect "'just put in an application,' and I was like, 'are you serious?'"

Here's your sign- Last night a man entered a local eating establishment to get a bite to eat. Unfortunately, he left his...

Posted by Kilgore Police Department on Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Cops said they tracked down the suspect at a nearby Budget Inn and arrested him. It's not clear whether the restaurant will actually hire him.

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