Student escapes from speeding car in Atlanta after being stuffed in trunk

A female student managed to escape from a speeding car after being stuffed in the trunk by an armed man just minutes before the same man attempted to abduct another woman, Atlanta police said.

The women were accosted outside of their east Atlanta homes just 30 minutes apart.

One woman said she and a friend were on the porch at their home in east Atlanta at around 2:00am local time Wednesday when a man approached.

"He had a gun in his pocket and he, you know, grabbed her, marched her off the porch, marched her up the street and stuffed her into the trunk of his car," the friend said.

The man then sped off, according to the friend, a Georgia State University (GSU) philosophy student who asked not to be identified.

The woman said she called 911 and got in her car to try to find her friend.

Somehow, the abducted woman managed to get out of the trunk and get away after about 15 minutes, police said.

"She managed to find sort of a latch mechanism and pull it and open the trunk and then jumped out of the car as he was speeding down the street." the friend said.

She was found safe by police.

Police believe that the same man then tried to abduct another GSU student in the same area. They say in the second case the woman screamed, causing the suspect to jump back into his car and take off.

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