St. Louis police investigate officer's 'Michael Brown bonus' post

Aug. 10, 2015: Police patrol in Ferguson, Mo (AP)

St. Louis County police are investigating a social media post in which one of its officers talks about how he spent his “annual Michael Brown bonus.”

The Guardian reports that Officer Todd Bakula posted on his Facebook page that he took his wife to a bed and breakfast using money he allegedly earned for staffing the protests in Ferguson last year. The demonstrations were staged where the unarmed Brown was shot and killed by a white officer last year.

“I decided to spend my annual Michael Brown bonus on a nice relaxing bicycle ride trip to Defiance,” Bakula wrote on his personal Facebook page under a pseudonym TJ Thekoola. “Eating dinner now and staying at a bed and breakfast tonight.”

St. Louis County Sgt. Shawn McGuire told The Associated Press that Bakula is a patrolman and the post would be investigated. McGuire also said he understands that post is “controversial.”

Brown's Aug. 9, 2014, death spurred a national "Black Lives Matter" movement. The latest protests, which followed the one-year anniversary, were marred when gunfire erupted and 18-year-old Tyrone Harris Jr. was shot and wounded by officers after they say he fired at an unmarked police van.

Click for more from The Guardian.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.