'Science Guy' Bill Nye Says Creationism Hurts Kids

Don’t call Bill Nye “the creationism guy.”

The former children’s show host who was credited with turning kids on to science during his 1990's PBS show “Bill Nye the Science Guy,” has released a video in which he charges that people who deny evolution are hurting children.

“Denial of evolution is unique to the United States,” Nye says on the video, titled “Creationism is not Appropriate for Children.”

Nye, who has become increasingly active in politics and is an ardent supporter of President Obama, claims that refusal to embrace evolution can hurt the U.S.

“We need scientifically literate voters and taxpayers for the future,” Nye adds. “We need people that can — we need engineers that can build stuff, solve problems.”

Nye told CBS he was not attacking religion by criticizing creationism.

"You can believe what you want religiously. Religion is one thing, but science, provable science is something else. My concern is you don't want people growing up not believing in radioactivity, not believing in geology and deep time.

The video, which Nye made for online education forum Big Think, was posted last Thursday and has already been viewed more than 2 million times.