Retired Florida minister named George Zimmermann getting death threats due to mistaken identity

George Zimmermann’s life just hasn’t been the same since that fateful February night in Florida last year.

George A. Zimmermann, a 78-year-old retired pastor now living in DeLand, Fla., has reportedly been receiving death threats since George Zimmerman, 29, fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford on Feb. 26, 2012, reports. Most recently, on Saturday, one caller told him to dig a six-foot hole.

“Hey [expletive], you’re the one who killed Trayvon Martin, when your [expletive] get[s] out, you’re dead,” Zimmermann recalled. “Wherever you go, you’re dead. Where ever you’re trying to hide, you’re dead … You think you’re free. You’re not.”

Zimmermann, who retired to Florida after leaving his post at Georgetown United Methodist Church in Paradise, Fla., could not be reached for comment on Thursday.

“A couple of friends of mine said, ‘hey, report it, in case anything were to happen at a later date, it’s on the record,’” Zimmermann told

Zimmermann doesn’t engage the callers other than to say that they have the wrong guy, but he never receives an apology, he said.

“I guess if it made them feel better to vent, that’s fine,” he said. “I can live with it.”

Zimmermann, who has reported the harassment to the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office, said he just wants the calls — some of which have come from Tampa and Orlando — to stop.

“The night of the verdict, I had one at 1 in the morning which woke me up; was pretty nasty,” he continue. “Another at 3 in the morning.”

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