Pro-gun dating site aims to connect Second-Amendment lovers

A new dating site aims to connect single Second Amendment lovers. (

A new dating site has its sights set on targeting lovers – lovers of the Second Amendment and the National Rifle Association, that is.

Pro-Gun Dating, which now says it has tens of thousands of users, “aims to connect like-minded patriotic Americans who cherish and believe in our Constitutional right to bear arms,” according to the site's Facebook Page. “In the wake of a renewed push to completely dismantle Americans' gun rights through the destruction of the Second Amendment, fills a massive void. It’s a place where gun owners can meet, talk, and not feel like they're forced to hide their love of firearms.”

It’s a feeling CEO Laura Clark said she experienced firsthand when she was ridiculed for posing with her AR-15 on other dating platforms.

“As a female gun-owner, I started this dating site to empower women,” Clark told Fox News. “I’m always packing, so I'll never have to join the #MeToo movement. With a pro-gun dating community, there will be no issues for myself or the many like-minded women who join the site in the future.”


A new dating site aims to connect lovers of the Second Amendment. (

Clark said she can guarantee single conservatives won’t have to worry about “meeting an anti-gun liberal who lives in grandma’s basement and protests climate change on the weekends.”

Instead, “the site promises pro-gun singles a real shot" -- pun probably intended -- "at finding that special someone who has the same worldview."

Users have the option of searching for straight men, straight women, bisexual men, bisexual women, gay men and lesbian women.

“If you're ready to bite the bullet and take aim at finding your perfect pro-gun mate, head over to and let the hunt begin!” the site's Facebook page says.

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