Postmates slammed over ‘Bottom-Friendly’ Pride month menu

The Postmates 'bottom-friendly' menu drew a great deal of criticism on social media from users who criticized the company's pride month move

A Postmates ad campaign featuring a "Bottom-Friendly" menu in celebration of Pride Month has generated mixed reviews on social media, with some users criticizing it and others praising the food delivery app for its inclusivity. 

The company partnered with sexual health and wellness expert Dr. Evan Goldstein to develop the menu and comedian Rob Anderson, who narrates the ad. A "bottom" refers to someone who engages in certain sexual positions. 

"What are you eating this pride? Well, if you're a top, it seems like you can eat whatever you want," the narrator states as an eggplant dressed in what appears to be dominatrix-style clothing eats a taco. "But if you're a bottom, you're expected to starve?"


The bottoms are portrayed as peaches and the ad lists various types of foods one should avoid such as whole grains, wheat bran, cauliflower and potatoes. The reason, according to the ad, is that those foods don't dissolve in water, causing a "traffic jam in the digestive system," which can make "a mess of your evening."

Dairy should be avoided as well, the ad states. Friendly foods include white rice, citrus, peas, fish and sushi, which digest easily. The menu is only available for Postmates users in New York City and Los Angeles. 

The ad campaign comes as more corporations try to capitalize on pride month and continue to advertise themselves as LGBTQ-friendly. The attempt by Postmates was met with mixed reactions from users online.

"Honestly, this is the level of Pride other corps should strive for," one person tweeted. "If you’re not literally helping us have sex, can you really call yourself an ally?"

Postmates responded to the remark: "Exactly. We're tired of heterosexual sex being the main focus of sexual education. Homosexual sex, specifically bottoming, is all too often omitted and stigmatized. Not this year. Happy Pride!"


Comedian John Early tweeted: "joining westboro baptist church," referring to the Topeka, Kansas church known for picketing at funerals in opposition to homosexuality. 

Another Twitter user didn't appear to be a fan. 

"I liked it better when capitalism was homophobic," the tweet read.

"I’m sorry I just can’t get over companies like @Postmates straight up mocking the LGBTQ community and reducing us to nothing but male hedonists. This is the most cursed pride month I’ve been alive for tbh," another person tweeted. 

Plenty of other users were critical of the ad. 

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